NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE State Institution “Institute of Hereditary Pathology of NAMS of Ukraine”
st. Lysenko, 31 a, Lviv, 79008, tel .: (0322) 76-54-99 Tel. / Fax .: (0322) 75-38-44, 76-76-41, 75-23-04, e-mail:, ID:02012065
27.03.2015 № 78
The first announcement
State Institution “Institute of Hereditary Pathology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” (SI “IHP NAMSU”) reports that according to the Register of scientific medical forums 2015, 8-9 October 2015, in Lviv will be held scientific conference with international participation “Cystic fibrosis in Ukraine: Status and Prospects of Diagnostics, Treatment and Social Adaptation of Patients”. The conference is organizing with the participation of the Department of Health Care of Lviv Regional State Administration, Cystic Fibrosis Center of Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Center, CF patient Association “Dzvin” and support with CF Europe.
Specialists dealing with the problems of cystic fibrosis (geneticists, pediatricians, pulmonologists, obstetricians, neonatologists, physiotherapists, gastroenterologists, nutritionists, psychologists) are invited to participate.
The planned conference devoted to assessing the state and determination of perspective directions, aimed at elongation and improving the quality of CF patient’s life in Ukraine. It will be considered the establishment of CF patients registry, problematic issues of diagnostics and treatment of CF, organization of assisting adult CF patients. Within the framework of conference physiotherapy and sweat test master classes are planned.
The conference program includes lectures and report of leading experts from Ukraine as well as from abroad on the topic problems of CF, presentations for physician, exhibition of equipment and reagents, cultural events. Languages of conference: Ukrainian, Russian and English.
Additional information and registration are available on and by mail Abstracts of the participants report will be included in the conference proceedings and published on the site. The deadline of abstracts submission – July 1, 2015.. Participants will receive a certificate. For sponsorship, please contact the organizing сommittee.